Monday Holidays--What Gives?
Have you ever noticed that federal holidays like President's Day (aka Washington's Birthday), Memorial Day and Veteran's Day are always on Mondays? This is due to an Act of Congress: the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. This law establishes that certain holidays will be celebrated on Mondays to increase 3 day weekends for federal workers. It was signed into law in 1971.
Today is President's Day, which celebrates the birthday of George Washington on February 22nd and Abraham Lincoln on February 12th. Today is February 18th, but since it is the third Monday of the month, we are celebrating President's Day today.
So how does one celebrate President's Day? If you have the day off, you could relax at home or go on a mini-vacation for your three day weekend. Many stores have good sales on President's Day, so if you need furniture or appliances, you may just snag a good deal. Or, if you're like us, and you have work or school on President's Day, you could take the time to learn about presidential history...or even the history of President's Day!