In Photography Class today we talked about selfies! What is a selfie anyway? It's really just a self portrait, although it has come to mean a casual picture of yourself taken with a smart phone.
Selfies date back, basically since the beginning of photography, though the term came into use in just 2005 and "selfie culture" entered the mainstream. While some people who are really into selfies might be considered vain, others just take them to be goofy and have fun.
Along with selfies, we also discussed photobombing, where a person intentionally or unintentionally shows up in someone else's photo. We like to think of bunny ears as the original photobomb.
Above are some selfies we took as a class. Phyllis experienced a "selfie fail" and cut off her beautiful smile. We also have Hal photobombing a Margaret-selfie. And a sweet group selfie with Helene, Margaret and Brittania.
So next time you think you're lookin' good or feeling goofy, snap a selfie!