December Staff Member of the Month: Allan

This month's pick for Staff Member of the Month is music teacher Allan. Allan hails from beautiful, sunny Albuquerque, NM and has lived most of his life. He currently resides with his dog, Marv. His hobbies include playing music, socializing at the pub, fishing, camping and running. He enjoys travel, especially to southern California and northern New Mexico. His favorite colors are blue and brown. He loves the movie Dumb and Dumber, and he is a huge fan of Spongebob Squarepants.
Allan plays around town with his band, Cynical Bird. They have recorded three albums: Sha Bam Sha Bam, Grow! and Thumos. For information on upcoming gigs, check out their website. Allan's musical influences are God, life, Beethoven and most pop music. His favorite concerts include The Counting Crows, Joe Jackson and Steely Dan.