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Top Ten: Mark's Favorite "The Fugitive" (1963-1967) Episodes

10. "Fear in a Desert City" (9/17/63)

9. "Fatso" (11/19/63)

8. "The Girl from Little Egypt" (12/24/63)

7. "Man in a Chariot" (9/15/64)

6. "Tiger Left,Tiger Right" (10/20/64)

5. "Ill Wind" (3/8/66)

4. "The 2130" (3/29/66)

3. "The Last Oasis" (9/13/66)

2. "The Breaking of the Habit" (1/31/67)

1. "The Judgement" Parts 1 & 2 (8/22 & 29/67)

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