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Alternatives for Mother's Day Gifts

Mother's Day is quickly approaching and instead of heading down the holiday card aisle how about we make or do something a little more personal and why not cost efficient. So here are some ideas of how to commemorate your Mother:

-Before you make her breakfast in bed, let her sleep in, clean up your mess and any furry companions mess up too.. don't leave it for Mom to find later. -Hand made gifts are much appreciated.. ex: homemade coasters, paperweights, cards, a book of coupons for chores, small art pieces and paintings, wallets, make a personal you tube video, macaroni necklaces, a personal poem for Mom. -Cook a lovely brunch or dinner at home to avoid all the long lines. -If your Mom loves the outdoors plan an outdoor picnic. - Frame a picture of yourself. - Face Time your Mom if you do not live in the same state. -Homemade lotion, bar of soap, and candles.

-A compiled box of memories. - Sing and dedicate a song to her. -Plant some fresh and alive herbs or flowers in a pot. - Vacuum and clean her car. -Clean all the bathrooms/ kitchen. -Do the dishes for a week.

Anything that comes from the heart and is different from last years gift I'm sure any Mom would appreciate! Happy Mamas day to all Mom's out there!

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