Chris' YouTube Clip of the Week
This is Chris' favorite YouTube clip this week. He really likes the little girl and the tiny robot.
About Faces: Portrait Show Opening
VSA Apprentice Artists and Staff are proud to present their newest visual arts show in the VSA North 4th Gallery from October 3, 2016...
Poem: Brushes
One of my most important items to have are my paint brushes I take good care of my brushes I wash them with soap and water Moving to a...
Poem: The Feelings I have for VSA
I made so many friends at VSA I drove into the learning of VSA All my teachers are really molding our mind like we do with clay. I drove...
VSA Artist Hopes to Create Equality One Playground at a Time
Every Ability Plays Project Founder Tonya Rivera gave a presentation to VSA's Art in Advocacy class. Rivera spoke about her project which...
VSA Apprentice Artists win Big at the State Fair
VSA North Fourth Apprentice Artists received prize ribbons for their artwork at the State Fair earlier this month - September 8 -18....
BVD to Perform this Weekend
Buen Viaje Dance, North Fourth Art Center's resident dance company, is performing at Balloon Fiesta Park September 24 at 10:00 am. The...